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Provide a new and fun way to play MarchMadness, now your bracket will be minted as an NFT.


Created At


Winner of


🏊‍♀️ Tableland - Prize Pool


🏊‍♀️ Sequence Pool Prize

Project Description

This project combines an ease of use login experience for non-technical users provided by a Sequence Wallet this gives us the opportunity to onboard to people without technical knowledge in blockchain, the data model is stored in a table that can save the information dynamically according to user's choices provided by TableLand, also for static data I used IPFS.

How it's Made

Framework NextJS with UI Libraries material-ui for front end, nextui for cool design libraries from sequence and tableland were very friendly. NextJs is a great framework to deliver Server Side vs Client Side Rendering, make Dynamic routing calls, and routing between pages really easy, I wanted to implement an audio player but libraries were making conflicts and I decided not to include it into this MVP. This can be a really fun experience to create your March Madness Bracket.

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