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Titan Analytics

Player Performance Management Platform for Blockchain Gaming

Titan Analytics

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Project Description

Players and guilds are united in their desire to maximize success, but they lack the insights and performance management capabilities to do so. Our research indicates that players are desperate for insights to help them win, while Guilds current approach to performance management relies on ad-hoc, internal solutions that leave significant room for improvement.

We believe that by combining game-specific analytics and a closed-loop performance management system, we can help guilds and players maximize performance.

Reaching peak performance relies on an interconnected system of five elements: Motivation, Training & Enablement, Performance Visibility, Coaching Support, and a Culture of Continuous Improvement.

When woven together effectively, these elements enable a continuous learning loop that drives peak player performance.

Think of a world where:

  • Before the game starts, Players draw on our proprietary analytical tools to inform their game strategy.

  • Once in the game, a separate set of tools guide players decision-making in real-time.

  • After the game, players receive a readout of their performance – identifying areas of success and opportunities for improvement.

  • And in-between games - players can review their aggregate performance trends, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and receive 1:1 coaching and upskilling from our network of player-coaches.

Our value proposition is rooted in impacting KPIs that tie directly to player and guild profitability i.e. Win-rates, Number of Matches per Player, and Reward per Match

The platform serves two key stakeholders in the gaming ecosystem: guild operators and game players

Our early research (i.e. large scale survey of the P2E market, and conversations with guilds) has confirmed demand for Titan Analytics services. You can see more about our research into the P2E space on our website here:

How it's Made

We started with market and user research. This has a been a multiple month process (including a mass survey of the P2E player market with >2000 respondents) that ultimately pointed at the specific problem area we're focused on. BuildQuest presented an opportunity for us to build a clickable prototype to showcase our product vision. The prototype was built with react and nextjs, and hosted and deployed on vercel. Given the timelines and technology contstraints, it does not interact with sponsor technology at this time. In the coming months, we plan to build a more fullsome product that can be integrated into guild operations.

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