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Cricket DAO

Cricket DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization which allows cricket fans from around the world to take charge of the sport they love.

Cricket DAO

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Project Description

Sports ownership has largely been centralized. With the Cricket DAO, cricket fans can own a team, buy tickets, influence ticket prices, and change team lineup!

I have faced some challenges building this platform in such short time-frame like implementing governance in smart-contract given that this was the first time I have created a DAO.

How it's Made

I have used ReactJS for building the frontend, SkillWallet for DAO authentication and members access, wrote smart-contracts using Solidity, tested them using Truffle and Hardhat. We used openzepplin contracts for implementing governance . Players profiles are delployed on IPFS.

Skillwallet made membership creation on the dao very easy to manage and control. It has reduced lots of development time.

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