
gasDAOn extends the values of fairness and transparency from the blockchain space to the material world by basing voting power on an individual's annual use of CO2 equivalents


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Project Description

This hackathon is taking place the same week that the IPCC issued its Sixth Assessment Report, which outlines emission reduction and mitigation efforts to keep the global temperature increase under 1.5-2.0C. It says, in short, that urgent changes are needed.

Much of Web3 technology is developing with a "business as usual" approach in terms of the environmental context described by the IPCC. While swapping tokens, creating liquidity pools and minting NFTs are useful in building out the Web3 ecosystem, these do little to address the challenges facing the planetary ecosystem.

One reason blockchains are gaining popularity is that they offer fairness and transparency. The rules are known by all participants, and transactions are reliable.

Can the fairness and transparency within Web3 be applied to the issue of greenhouse gas emissions? What role can a blockchain have in reducing those emissions?

In order to stay below a 1.5C increase the per-person fair-share amount of CO2 equivalents must be limited to 2.1 tons by 2030 (

gasDAOn is an attempt to address the greenhouse gas emission problem by aligning voting power with a person's annual greenhouse gas emissions.

How it's Made

gasDAOn is a lightweight smart contract made up of just three functions: participate, propose and vote.

When participants join they declare their level of CO2-equivalents use (or they can leave that undisclosed). This is what determines the power of each vote.

Any participants can make a proposal, and the the voting period lasts one week.

Nearly all data is emitted as events. Clients can index this data and perform tabulations off-chain. While this architecture contains leaks (ex, dishonest reporting of greenhouse gas emissions), it offers a very inexpensive way for those without much disposable income to participate since emitting events is far cheaper than on-chain computation and storage.

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