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Develop technologies to provide security, transparency and quality assurance to the Cannabis ecosystem using Blockchain.


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Project Description

Develop technologies to provide security, transparency and quality assurance to the Cannabis ecosystem using Blockchain. Use the fusion of Legal and Technological intelligence to Transform the Medicinal Cannabis Ecosystem, ensuring patient safety and transparency for patients tracking tool for the cannabis supply chain, with the aim of individualizing each crop plant by providing the respective information, tracking it from source to delivery to the recipient, providing authenticated evidence, via Blockchain, of the origin of each plant, with an individual and specific number

How it's Made

Smart contracts in Solidity

Frontend in React

Deploy on Matic

Meta-transactions using Biconomy

It was very difficult to make the integrations, the examples and tutorials from Biconomy did not help almost anything.

I already felt fulfilled when I managed to make the tutorial from Biconomy work

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