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Humble Farmer LightHouse

Humble Farmer Lighthouse is a fun game to help learn about yield farming

Humble Farmer LightHouse

Created At

ETHOnline 2021

Project Description

We model yield farming returns in a fun game where people can farm multiple pools and try to maximise their returns. Users a lot of time invest in pools with high APRs without understanding how these aprs are a ponzi scheme. Our game will help users understand that. In our game user first chooses a pool and then is able to choose different strategies as time passes in the game. Finally at the end of 1 year game time, he gets his score.

How it's Made

We have used reactjs to build the game. We simulate the returns of a liquidity mining pool like sushiswap. We also use a charting library to show interactive returns. We use bigjs for calculations and coinmarketcap to fetch prices so we can create a dataset. We do not use any tech on the backend.

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