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A platform for which comedians can upload their content and create NFTs of their jokes


Created At

ETHOnline 2021

Winner of


Pocket Network Pool Prize

Project Description

This is an project is the “NFT as digital primitive for content” element of a larger project which will eventually be a social network for comedy. Our goal is to have a finished content upload pipeline and built out end for the NFT jokes and detecting users laughs triggering revenue generation by the end of the hackathon.

How it's Made

This project is built on top of an EVM compatible network and uses to interact with the platform. Our frontend is built with nextjs and tailwindcss. Our backend is Strapi API/CMS. I made loads of progress in too many directions instead of focusing on a few hiccups that end up preventing me from finishing the starring feature of the hackathon which would have been the Open Mics feature allowing for a group of comedians to trade off the spotlight and perform 3-minute sets which they would have the opportunity to mint into NFTs afterwards. I finished the revenue sharing feature of the nfts and got a good amount of work done for the on chain laugh verification process using Descartes orcales. I am happy with the way that the login and creation process I am created turned out so far. I am very happy about the progress I have made so far in UX the most.HTTPS:// HTTPS:// HTTPS://

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