P2P Advertising

P2P advertising using Polygon Blockchain and Chainlink. It also uses Chainlink and Metamask.

P2P Advertising

Created At

HackMoney 2021

Project Description

It helps in peer-to-peer advertising without the involvement of any mediator.

The transactions are relatively fast and cheaper due to the underlying infrastructure of the Polygon network.

It uses HTML, CSS, Javascript, Chainlink, and Metamask for its functioning.

The seller can list their website, and the buyer can purchase an ad spot on the website.

How it's Made

The project used Polygon blockchain. It uses HTML, CSS, Javascript, Polygon blockchain, Chainlink, and Metamask wallet.

The transactions are relatively fast and cheaper due to the underlying infrastructure of the Polygon network.

The seller can list their website, and the buyer can purchase an ad spot on the website.

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