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Avaboard NFT

Decentralization & Market Activity scores for Avalanche NFT collections

Avaboard NFT

Created At

HackMoney 2022

Winner of


🥈 Covalent — Best Use

Project Description

The main idea of this project is to assign a Decentralization score & Market Activity score on NFT Collections on the Avalanche Network. I plot each collection to a Scatter Chart (top 10 collections by total transaction count), allowing the user to select collections of his choice instead.

How it's Made

Using Covalent API data, I make use of total transaction count, unique tokenID sales and unique wallet sales count variables, to calculate the aforementioned scores. Market Activity score = Collection All-Time Transaction Count / Unique TokenIDs All-Time Sales Count

Decentralization score = Unique Wallet All-Time Purchase Count / Unique TokenIDs All-Time Sales Count

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