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BetSwirl aims to be the decentralized gambling platform: provably fair, non-custodial, licensed, trustless, and community-driven.


Created At

HackMoney 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Transak — Pool Prize

Project Description

BetSwirl is an online cryptocurrency gaming platform, fully decentralized and anonymous, where everyone will be able to enjoy a fair play, a fun time, and an innovative gamer experience.

Our vision:

  • Decentralized: We're powered and partner with the most advanced technologies to create the most decentralized application with respect to your privacy, no censorship, and where reliability is treated as the highest priority

  • Legit: In our desire to be implemented for the long term, we have made every effort to obtain all the necessary legal autorisations.

  • Secure: Use the most secured tools in crypto space with all our contracts successfully audited.

Immersive: We're focused on building immersive games to start building the future of gaming and social gambling on Metaverse.

How it's Made

[From hackathon]- Chainlink Price Feeds for swap quotations, and Chainlink Keepers for automation. - EPNS to broadcast notification to referrers that receive a reward. [/From hackathon]- Deployed on Polygon and BNB Smart Chain leveraging Chainlink VRF v2. Looking forward to deploy on Avalanche.

  • Leveraging WebSocket RPC API from Chainstack to receive the bet resolution event from the smart-contracts.

  • Use TheGraph to store the details of the bets.

  • Deployed on IPFS using

  • Gnosis-Safe multi-sig for the treasury.d

  • The front end is built with VueJS.

  • The smart contracts development environment is using Hardhat.

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