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ReveFin transforms future smart contract revenue into a tradeable asset.


Created At

HackMoney 2022

Winner of


🥉 EPNS — Best Use


🥈 IPFS/Filecoin — Best Use


🏊‍♂️ Compound Labs — Pool Prize


🥈 Covalent — Best Use

Project Description

ReveFin is a marketplace for trading a future smart contract revenue. It connects participants who deploy capital ("Buyers") with entities that control a wallet address that receives regular smart contract-generated on-chain payments ("Sellers").

The process flow in the system is as follows:

  1. NFT Creator opens the ReveFin website.

  2. NFT Creator, who has a ready NFT collection on the OpenSea testnet, connects the MetaMask wallet, which has at least one NFT collection in it on the OpenSea testnet, to the ReveFin dapp.

  3. NFT Creator selects the NFT collection royalty revenue they want to sell.

  4. NFT Creator clicks the first collection’s art icon to open the details of that revenue stream.

  5. NFT Creator analyzes the analytics provided by ReveFin.

  6. NFT Creator adjusts the value of the % royalty for sale using the slider, to bring the bid to 50%.

  7. NFT Creator clicks List 50% royalty revenue for sale button. (In the future, this is where ReveFin will collect commission.)

  8. ReveFin displays the message Collection revenue listed for sale to confirm the sale listing.

  9. ReveFin displays the new revenue stream under SELLER Dashboard and the Buy Revenue page.

  10. Investor connects her/his MetaMask wallet to the ReveFin dapp.

  11. Investor clicks Buy Revenue button to start browsing through the revenue streams on sale.

  12. Investor goes through the metrics for each collection, where the narration mentions each metric briefly.

  13. Investor clicks the collection’s (fifth collection, Simple & Healthy, in the demo video) art icon to open the details of that revenue stream.

  14. Investor goes through the metrics/charts for each collection. These analytics are helpful to determine bid price of the transaction.

  15. Investor adjusts the value of the bid using the slider, to bring the bid to a certain value, ex: 40.9 ETH.

  16. Investor clicks the BID 40.9 ETH button. The value to bid is smaller than the value in the slider, due to the gas fees. (In the future, this is also where ReveFin will collect commission.)

  17. Funds are taken from BUYER wallet and held in the ReveFin VAULT ADDRESS.

  18. ReveFin displays the message Bid placed successfully to confirm the bid.

  19. ReveFin displays the bid stream under BUYER Dashboard

  20. NFT Creator goes to Dashboard to accept or decline bid

Extensive further details are available under the project's documentation under the github repo:

How it's Made

Extensive further details are available under the project's documentation under the github repo:

The sections in the documentation are the following:

  1. Background

  2. Unique Value Offerings

  3. Design Principles

  4. System Architecture

  5. Backend

  6. Frontend

  7. Analytics

  8. Financial Model

  9. Technology/Tool Stack

  10. Related Projects

  11. Other Resources

  12. Future Plans

We used Solidity as the smart contract language on the backend and Javascript as the language on the frontend.

Sponsor Tools Used:

Compound Protocol for staking

Covalent API for indexing and fetching on-chain metadata

EPNS for Ethereum push notifications

WalletConnect for wallet connection functionality

IPFS for storing NFT images

Coinbase Wallet

IPFS for hosting dApp [In development]

background image mobile

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