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Rubix is a real life exploration game. Players visit portals, add missing informations and earn rewards.


Created At

HackMoney 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ IPFS/Filecoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

Rubix is a decentralized travel wiki in the form of a game. A player can create or add information about places or events by visiting those places in real life. One can even become a local guide and any questions or assist people with their travel plans. A contributor is rewarded with tokens or rewards. With this platform, travelers can easily connect with local hosts and get curated data by using the recommendation system. With all of the data being decentralized, there is no fear of all of it becoming private one day!

How it's Made

We built a 2D game UI for POC using react. A player can login using their wallet (using metamask or walletconnect from phone). Once logged in, they are presented with different rooms in the game - which is a decentralized map structure. Any details or media added by the user to a portal are stored on IPFS and the users' rewards are stored on polygon network. EPNS is used for notifying the user when there are new portals around or when a visitor is requesting travel guidance.

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