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Get more voting power to participate in governance w Snapshot or other governance toolsget more voting power to participate in governance w Snapshot or other governance tools - with help of Gearbox!


Created At

HackMoney 2022

Project Description

Get more voting power to participate in governance w Snapshot or other governance toolsget more voting power to participate in governance w Snapshot or other governance tools - with help of Gearbox! Get more voting power to participate in governance w Snapshot or other governance toolsget more voting power to participate in governance w Snapshot or other governance tools - with help of Gearbox!

How it's Made

The project uses react.js as frontend and solidity smart contracts. Its based on Gearbox leverage protocol, kovan smart contracts. Also, we use rainbow kit to integrate wallet connect. Get more voting power to participate in governance w Snapshot or other governance toolsget more voting power to participate in governance w Snapshot or other governance tools - with help of Gearbox!

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