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zkSync Portfolio Token

zkSync Portfolio Token is an ERC20 token which holds a balanced portfolio of yield-farming digital assets.

zkSync Portfolio Token

Created At

HackMoney 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ zkSync — Pool Prize

Project Description

zkSync Portfolio Token is a diversified crypto portfolio investment DeFi token that includes well-researched, low-risk yet higher-yield alternatives to current platforms. Deploying to zkSync allows for inexpensive gas transactions as well as transactions deployed to the Ethereum EVM via zk rollups. The total functionality of the app and contract interactions was not completed by the submission deadline.

How it's Made

zkSync Portfolio token was built using the Open Zeppelin ERC20 Wizard as a mintable token and deployed to the zkSync 2.0 Goerli Testnet via Hardhat. The backend was modeled after the zkSync Greeter tutorial project with changes to the deploy.ts file to accommodate the deployment of the new Open Zeppelin contract. The frontend is a simple javascript app which allowed for the hook up to web3.

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