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Loop - A social platform dApp for music Artists to connect with their fans.


Created At


Project Description

It is increasingly difficult to link Artists with their loyal fans.

We decided to build a dApp for bringing Artists and their followers together using Lens Protocol. Our dApp has two types of users, Artists for creating their own Lens Profile NFTs. They also upload their profile images into IPFS. Fans follow their artists by using follow module.

How it's Made

  • UI - React, HTML/CSS

  • IPFS - We store all NFT generated images on IPFS.

  • API - Lens Protocol

  • Smart Contract - Solidity, LensHub

  • Backend - web3.js, Node.js

  • Art Design - Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator

  • Testnet - Mumbai Polygon , Opensea

  • Tools - Truffle, Remix, Metamask

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