Allow Aave users to delegate borrowing power to the yearn platform


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Project Description

The project uses AAVE's credit delegation to deposit into a yearn vault. Steps of the test:

  • Alice approves delegation to Router with 1 eth
  • Bob approves delegation with all his reserves
  • Router’s Gov adds Alice and Bob as delegators
  • Router can calculate its eth borrowing power, (50% of the total borrowing power)
  • Gov invests 2 eth through the Router into the vault using ZapSteth
  • The test travels one week into the future
  • The test forces a harvest in the vault
  • Router withdraws from the vault using ZapSteth
  • The test asserts that the Router made a profit after paying out the debt
  • Gov is allow to transfer the profit out

How it's Made

This project AAVE's credit delegation.

A router smart contract is approved by two users through the credit delegation API and the smart contract through gov calls, invest money into a yearn vault.

Code is done in solidity and the whole project is built with brownie.

Test are done in python and they run on mainnet-fork.

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