
Souvenir enables cities and towns to issue unique local NFTs that individual travelers can collect and display in a digital passport, just like real travel stamps!!


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Project Description

Souvenir reimagines what will make future travel meaningful. Souvenir’s goal is to be a flywheel for local economic activity, by giving travelers the opportunity to collect and display unique local NFTs when they participate in activities that the community has deemed important to supporting the local economy, such as visiting a local museum or monument, eating at local restaurants, or buying goods from local makers.

Souvenir works in collaboration with local governments and creators to determine where NFTs can be collected by travelers and what their unique design will be. The municipality’s NFTs are then minted on Souvenir’s platform and ready to be collected by travelers. To obtain a municipal NFT, Travelers scan a QR Code on their mobile device. This takes them to our platform where they can purchase the NFT from the municipality (using Circle’s merchant payment system). All proceeds go directly back to the municipality to fund identified local initiatives. The traveller has just collected an NFT that is displayed on their personal Digital Passport in Souvenir, a dedicated platform where travelers can open their NFT collection as a travel book and fill it by collecting more NFTs!

How it's Made

We created a React frontend, that is hosted on IPFS thanks to a tool named Fleek.

We then set up the "souvenir.eth" ENS domain name (on a testnet) to redirect to the app's IPFS website.

For the contracts, we experimented with both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens, eventually deciding to keep it simple and stay on an ERC-721 as it would be enough for our needs.

The NFT content is also stored on IPFS, thanks to the very convenient Pinata API.

Finally, we deployed our app on the Matic Mumbai testnet, with anticipation of deployment on the Matic Mainnet to benefit from Polygon's speed and very low transaction fees, for the benefit of our users.

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