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Mint Page

A mint page for a Rinkeby NFT using a smart contract that could be deployed to Ethereum or Polygon.

Mint Page

Created At

NFTHack 2022

Project Description

The Future NFT Mints Rinkeby minting page is a simple page where you connect your Metamask wallet and mint a free NFT on the Rinkeby network. The design is an MVP of a tip that someone could make to show appreciation for the Insights Reports and other analysis that Future NFT Mints provides on a regular basis.

How it's Made

The Future NFT Mints Rinkeby minting page is a React / Node website that is based on the Hashlips engine GitHub library. The smart contract was deployed using Remix and based on the Hashlips contract. The contract was verified in Etherscan Rinkeby, and the URLs for the OpenSea collection and the smart contract are on the website (

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