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Security tool to register and validate signatures upon documents hashes from a user friendly interface.


Created At

Road to Web3

Winner of


🏊 Polygon Pool Prize

Project Description

Certi inspiration is to offer people the opportunity to use Blockchain and Wallets as a security tool to register and validate signatures upon documents hashes from a user friendly interface. Some of the problems we aim to solve: -The lack of systems for cryptographic signatures validations globally. -The lack of evidence that certain data exists at a particular point in time (proof of existence). -The lack of integrity mechanisms to protect data tampering. In the other hand on economic terms the digital signature market has a CAGR of 21,5% with USA as largest market cap and Europe as the fastest in growing and Docusign as the biggest market player, so we wanted to offer a differential factor by using Blockchain and decentralization as a security enhancer.

How it's Made

We used solidity smart contracts deployed on Polygon testnet Blockchain (Mumbai), and connected to a front end interface. We integrated our solution with Web3 Wallets in order to guarantee the final user the full decentralization and sovereignty over their signatures and data, and make possible for other users to validate the signature certificates and document validations easily.

Built With: Polygon testnet (Mumbai), Solidity, CSS3, HTML5, Javascript, express.js, metamask, node.js,

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