Dashboard Bounty

A user dashboard to view user's wallet across multiple chains. Also to view NFTs and coin data, for the user's wallet.

Dashboard Bounty

Created At

Road to Web3

Winner of


🥇 Covalent - Expand Features of NFT Collection Dashboard Template

Project Description

There are too many website's to view the NFT's and/or tokens in a wallet.

Adding a token to MetaMask to view your balance includes importing data into your wallet.

This project focuses on getting NFT and Coin data from multiple networks to display the contents of a user's wallet in one place.

How it's Made

Started with Bounty 1 from Covalent https://covalenthq.notion.site/Road-To-Web3-Bounties-Covalent-27d05dad149743209d991c4a4e0820e1.

Starting with the initial repo from Covalent, it seemed the idea was to have a solution of a dashboard for any skill level to use and deploy with little effort and/or resources a static website of their own. By using the template feature on github, anyone can quickly clone and host on github pages a dashboard to view NFT data.

Tech stack started with React, Covalent endpoints fetching data, and GitHub pages for hosting a static only site.

Since this was only a static only site, there was a need for a backend with authentication. This is where Moralis came in. Moralis would be used for authentication, storing off chain user data, and more on chain APIs for more flexibility.

Utilizing Covalent's API and Moralis's SDK, I noticed I could get a lot of data for a address.

This project focuses on getting NFT and Coin data from multiple networks to display the contents of a user's wallet in one place.

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