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Decentralized platform allowing developers/creators raise fund without middleman


Created At

Road to Web3

Winner of


🏊 NFTPort Pool Prize


🏊 Polygon Pool Prize


🏊 Covalent Pool Prize

Project Description

dPatreon is a decentralized platform allowing developers or creators to raise funds for their projects without middlemen and censorship. Creators are able to create projects freely and accountless on dPatreon. Then they can share the project page with their fans and community. Donors can easily make one-time or monthly contributions to the project they love with any ERC20 token or SuperToken.

How it's Made

dPatreon is built with React and Ant design UI components. Users are able to connect to Metamask or Sequence wallet on dPatreon. dPatreon enables users to create a project by minting free NFT on Polygon through NFTPort API. dPatreon also loads NFTs within a contract with NFTPort API. dPatreon gets tokens and transactions associated with an account using Colavent API. dPatreon allows donors to send monthly payments by Superfuild Supertoken. dPatreon uses Superfuild Subgraph to load active streams data for a user. Finally, the application is deployed to IPFS through Fleek

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