Event Loupe

There are plenty of events being emitted every block. You can see them all, but what if you are interested in specific type of event? Or you're looking for events related to specific token? We solve this problem, making the blockchain world a bit friendlier for users!

Event Loupe

Created At

Road to Web3

Project Description

This project is an attempt to solve the one bit of a big problem: the blockchain is still in its infancy and much has to be done to make it more convenient and friendly to newcomers. I have encountered the lack of filters for events myself and decided that it's a great idea to solve this problem as a "thank you" to community.

How it's Made

We are providing filters with convenient UX to user, which are very easy to understand and fill. We assume that most of the people searching for specific events in blockchain has experience of at least reading smart contracts code. That's why we decided to make UI look a bit like code block. After user's input we parse the input values, format them if necessary and send a request to ether-js library to load all the events user is looking for.

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