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Karma Coin

More good you do, more you get back. Donate 1 matic to charity and get 1 karma coin.

Karma Coin

Created At

Road to Web3

Winner of


🏊 Polygon Pool Prize

Project Description

Donate 1 matic to charity to receive 1 karma coin. Donate 100 matic to receive 100 karma and so on. Interaction with smart contract via front-end which where we send matic. The smart contract will send matic to charity address. The smart contract will also mint 1 karma per matic and give it to the doner.

How it's Made

Front-end is in basic html/css.

Backend uses solidity, hardhat, truffle and polygon testnet. User selects a charity of this choice and deposits matic into the smart contract which is deployed on polygon testnet. The smart contract sends matic to the charity address. Smart contract also mints 1 karma token per matic and sends it back to the user who deposited matic.

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