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OnChain NFT Designer

Do you like anonymice? This tool will allow you to create your own anonymice like on-chain NFT project.

OnChain NFT Designer

Created At

Road to Web3

Winner of


🏊 Polygon Pool Prize

Project Description

This dapp allows you to create your own generated pixel NFT project. Create a project, then traits, then types for each trait. Different colors can be used to draw with by creating a color palette. Toggle each layer to see how they fit together. Then the pixels are encoded and are sent to a smart contract to be displayed as on chain SVG.

How it's Made

It is made with Hardhat, Polygon, Next.js, Typescript and Chakra-ui. I deployed it to mumbai and may do so on mainnet. I chose Polygon for it's low transaction fees. I used Firestore database to store each of the collections: Project, Trait, Color Palette, and Attribute. The web app is made with Typescript, React and Next.js.

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