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Polygon NFT Stats

Polygon NFT Stats, The main idea behind this project to showcase what's actually happening inside the market in terms of NFT transactions, NFT collections, unique wallets and NFT growth.

Polygon NFT Stats

Created At

Road to Web3

Winner of


🏊 NFTPort Pool Prize


🏊 Polygon Pool Prize


🏊 Covalent Pool Prize

Project Description

The chain polygon is covered in this application with general information and predictions. Volume exchanges per day, unique wallets per day, collection-wise unique wallets and volume, and so on are all included in the forecast. This will provide a clear statistic to NFT traders and buyers. As a result, they will be able to invest according to market conditions. This also provides a graphical view of how the chain works over time and how the market fluctuates.

The home page represents the total volume and wallet prediction across the chain polygon by line chart and includes a few key metrices like Total volume, Average daily volume, and Average weekly volume. Time series forecasting model was built here to predict the number(LSTM).

The collection page depicts the overall volume and wallet prediction across all collections in the chain polygon by line chart; for example, we've provided a few key metrics and predictions of volume and wallet over the period of time for Chicken Derby. The metrices includes total volume, average daily volume, and average weekly volume.

The Token page displays a list of unique tokens, tokens that are frequently traded, tokens that are sold in large quantities, and so on. We've also included the current owner of the token id, as well as the characteristics of the Top 4 most sold tokens by volume throughout each collection.

The wallet page displays a list of unique wallets, as well as the top seller by volume, tokens top seller by volume, and total transactions, among other information. We've also compiled a list of the top 100 wallet-to-wallet transactions in the chain polygon.

Duplicate page shows the near duplicate token minted in the same nft collections or other.

The state page includes all of the collectios across the chain polygon, along with the market cap, transaction count, and floor price,etc.

How it's Made

The frameworks/libraries explicitly used in this project are Python, keras, pillow, sklit_learn, streamlit, streamlit-aggrid and requests. This project mainly focused on the insights of the polygon chain and we have used the polygon NFT data's from the BiqQuery and across multiple API's. we have used some of the the core API's from the covalent to develop Stats API, Metadata API, NFT transaction API, NFT Market collection API. we have also used few API's from the NFT Port to develop Duplicate deduction API and NFT owned by account API's. You can find the below application URL -

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