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At Slyde, we build infrastructure that makes onboarding users to L2 systems as cost-efficient and accessible as possible.


Created At

Road to Web3

Winner of


🏊 Polygon Pool Prize

Project Description

L2 systems are here to stay and drastically reduce gas prices, making blockchain applications accessible to a wider audience. However L2 technology is confusing and complicated – the average non-technical user is unlikely to be able to navigate them effectively. It can be challenging even for veterans and builders, leading to inefficiencies that could cost them hundreds of dollars in unnecessary gas fees.

In our application we strive to limit the effort needed by people to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem in a cost-minimal way. Our strategy is to build infrastructure which facilitates onboarding into L2 ecosystems, with a focus on Polygon. We started by writing user-friendly guides for common transactions, and as the application grows we hope to automate and bundle common transactions to make the user experience as seamless as possible. We demonstrate how this automation might work with one example of procuring and sending ETH to another address all from within the Polygon ecosystem, leading to 100x cheaper transaction cost.

Going forward we plan to implement other features that help users reduce and monitor transaction costs by, for example, providing gas fee dashboards and simulations of common transactions. Though it wasn’t complete enough to show in the demo, we’ve already written the code associated with a basic gas fee dashboard and plan to continue this project after the hackathon is over.

How it's Made

We built our website using next.js and Chakra (a React library), and used ethers.js, Ramp and Quickswap SDKs for managing blockchain transactions. We also have live gas/transaction fee calculators in the pipeline (not in the demo) which use a range of public APIs listed below to compare the efficiency of different onboarding schemes.

Web Framework: Next.js (, Chakra (

APIs/Services: Ramp (, Quickswap SDK (, CoinMarketCap (, Polygon Scan (, Eth Gas Station (

Dev Tools: ethers.js (

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