
Superpay is the payroll platform of the future. Built using Superfluid, Superpay enables employees to swap their paychecks for real-time streams of money aiming to help break the prevalent paycheck to paycheck cycle.


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Road to Web3

Project Description

Superpay is the payroll platform of the future. Currently, 54% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck but provide value to their employers in real-time. When something goes wrong, workers may need access to that value they've created but hasn't been given to them yet. Superpay solves this problem by working with existing lump sum payroll systems to stream salaries. Our demo shows how simple this experience is with the future of payroll, where users get paid in crypto and changing the location where you get paid is as easy as a contract call. While existing products like Utopia are still building this payroll future for DAOs and it's not possible to integrate with them yet, we simulated this future on-chain experience in our demo. Superpay first prompts the user to connect their wallet which they are paid at. The user then inputs their company's payroll contract so that Superpay can verify their payroll information and calculate their potential salary stream. Lastly, the user sets up the stream, sending their paycheck to Superpay and receiving a salary stream in real-time. We plan on integrating this payment system of the future with current day systems by partnering with HR departments to provide an opt-in streaming payroll experience.

How it's Made

This project uses MetaMask’s wallet to sign transactions from the employee’s address. We used ethers.js to retrieve the employee’s yearly salary amount and update the company’s payroll system in a smart contract written in Solidity. We used Superfluid’s API to stream DAIx to the employee’s address. We interacted with Superfluid’s API by setting up a provider instance with Alchemy to connect to the Kovan testnet. The frontend was built entirely in React.

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