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Tripleeet is a Patreon for Web3. Build a community of tripleeet. Streaming crypto memberships with NFT badges for member benefits. Creators get their own token which streams to Tripleeet as a reward.


Created At

Road to Web3

Winner of


🏊 NFTPort Pool Prize


⚡️ Polygon - Best Web2 to Web3

Project Description

Tripleeet is a web3 version of Patreon. Offer memberships and get paid via real-time streams of crypto. In return, your Tripleeets receive a real-time stream of your very own ERC20 token. Backers also get an NFT key from Unlock Protocol that can be used to grant access to members-only benefits. Also, mint NFTs through your dashboard. Setup takes minutes. Get paid and build a community of Tripleeets.

How it's Made

Decentralised Services (Ether.js and communication with Smart Contract).

Smart Contracts (Triplet, TripleeetERC20, TripleeetNft) are deployed on Polygon Mumbai Testnet.

This project uses,

  • NextJs to design the frontend and

  • Sequence for the wallet connect

  • NFT IPFS storage and metadata.json and YES we are storing the NFT data on IPFS through

  • Creating tier (Lock) on Unlock-Protocol.

  • SuperFluid for membership streaming.

  • ApexChart for showing superfluid streaming data

  • Mining NFTs on NFT PORT API, easy minting

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