Web3 Influencer Marketplace

On-chain marketplace to source & hire influencers. NFT & Web3 projects should have access to an open, transparent marketplace for hiring an influencer.

Web3 Influencer Marketplace

Created At

Road to Web3

Project Description

NFTs have launched Web3 into the mainstream consciousness. NFT influencers, despite the bad rep, are key players in this market. We as consumers rely on moral, educated influencers to keep us informed in this fast moving industry. New & innovative projects rely on influencers to accurately market and inform the public about their project. Our platform will make it easier for founders to find and hire influencers at any levels of visibility, while providing a visible, on-chain record of an influencers source of funding.

How it's Made

React.js, ethers.js, hardhat, Solidity.

This is a simple POC, and we as a team learned a great deal working on this over the past few days. This submission is not a final project, and only represents a WIP. Full project suite will eventually utilize 1) Chainlink Any API to pull social media impression metrics into smart contract back-end, which will unlock influencer payment from escrow once agreed upon. 2) a full PERN stack to store influencer & brand account deals, job history and a chat function to allow for communication between parties.

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