Using Uniswap SDK and contracts interface to present some DeFi options.


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Project Description

Using UniswaV3 protocol to present DeFi options such as swaps and arbitrage. Aim to offer some bridging to L2 layers and access through ENS as well as storage options through Skynet. All this through the Diamond standard to allow upgrading the contract and adding new features. Using UniswaV3 protocol to present DeFi options such as swaps and arbitrage. Aim to offer some bridging to L2 layers and access through ENS as well as storage options through Skynet. All this through the Diamond standard to allow upgrading the contract and adding new features.

How it's Made

This project will use Solidity, Hardhat, React and Ant for the front end. Through the diamond standard, the ability to have multiple functions in one contract that can later be updated. Uniswap has tons of functionality that would can be captured on one contract, and pairing that with tools like the Graph, IPFS, ENS and other would alllow for a powerful web3 experience.

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