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DBeats: A Decentralized social media and NFT marketplace for music artists and content creators


Created At


Winner of


Livepeer Pool Prize


Covalent Pool Prize


NFTPort Pool Prize


Livepeer 2nd Place

Project Description

DBeats is a decentralized platform for music artists and content creators. Creators can earn royalties and have ownership of the content. Audiences can make payments to creators and buy subscriptions in the form of creators. It is a decentralized media platform governed by the community. Users can live stream to multiple platforms, create an NFT from the live stream, upload content like music, photos, GIFs, videos, reels, etc

How it's Made

We are implementing decentralized APIs like LivePeer for Livestreaming, for metadata and media storage, NFTPort for minting an ERC721 Token, Unlock for event ticket management, and SuperFluid for creating monthly payment streams to creators. We have used nftport which really helped us in making the process of minting NFTs on polygon blockchain much easier. Fetching not owned by a user was made possible using the covalent API. We have set up an events system where creators can create events and users can buy the tickets by using Unlock.

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