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Decentralized video streams to create a 3D model of the battlefield.


Created At


Winner of


Best use of IPFS/Filecoin 3rd Place

Project Description

Battlefields are full of uncertainty and mistakes. Omnivision provides clarity. This project builds a 3D model from a peer-to-peer network of cameras working together. Clients can see the output of any other camera on the network. Multiple video feeds can be put together to generate a single, evolving 3D model.

How it's Made

3D Model: Used COLMAP to align videos, infer positional data, and build structure-from-motion (SFM) models. Used OpenMVS to create a point cloud and generate the 3D model.

Camera Network: Video is created and stored in chunks. IPFS is used to host and distribute the video chunks. libp2p pubsub is used to propagate content addresses.

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