
Unifolio lets you view all the coins you own across all your wallets.


Created At


Winner of


Covalent Pool Prize

Project Description

==Inspiration== I use several wallets. It is cumbersome to manually open them all one by one. Zerion doesn't support BTC or Solana. That's why I made this.

==What it does== Add your wallet addresses in the app. It will fetch your balance for every wallet, every chain. Automatically.

==How we built it== React + scanner integrations. Plus a lot of polish to remove rough edges.

How it's Made

I used Covalent apis to make this because they have information about all the chains. For frontend, I used React with TypeScript. I used Covalent apis to make this because they have information about all the chains. For frontend, I used React with TypeScript. I used Covalent apis to make this because they have information about all the chains. For frontend, I used React with TypeScript. I used Covalent apis to make this because they have information about all the chains. For frontend, I used React with TypeScript. I used Covalent apis to make this because they have information about all the chains. For frontend, I used React with TypeScript. I used Covalent apis to make this because they have information about all the chains. For frontend, I used React with TypeScript. I used Covalent apis to make this because they have information about all the chains. For frontend, I used React with TypeScript.

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