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Decentralized OnlyFans! Each creator's posts are NFTs and are locked via asymmetric encryption.


Created At

Web3 Weekend

Project Description

This project is a dApp that enables content creators to create their own profile and earn from their content while remaining anonymous. They can upload encrypted photos or videos to IPFS, and consumers can subscribe and pay for an access key that decrypts the content. Each of the creators' posts are ERC721 NFTs, and the actual images stored in their metadata is encrypted so that people cannot see their posts even if they read the smart contract directly to obtain the IPFS hashes.

How it's Made

This project uses IPFS for storage, The Graph subgraph collects events from contracts. ERC721 tokens for generated for creators. We tried to incorporate Unlock-Protocol as part of a validation system, but were not able to do so because the Unlock contracts do not return an actual "key" when a subscriber purchases a key.

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