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Decentralized Storage for exclusive NFT content. Securely store all assests for a digital artwork in a vault. Freeze your art piece, upload the assets to Filecoin Decentalized storage and register an NFT on the Ethereum Blockchain.


Created At

Web3 Weekend

Project Description

  1. NFT assets can disappear due to centralized storage or poor maintenance NFTs need a decentralized storage solution to complement the immutability of the transaction.

  2. NFTs are more than a single file Currently an NFT consists of a single file which is delivered to the buyer. The rendered preview for the object, is the NFT. With, you can combine multiple files, source/batch files, stems or alternate renderings for a fully packaged experience.

How it's Made

So how does all of this work ?

You connect your Ethereum wallet to our React frontend using Metamask, and your ETH username is automatically loaded from the Ethereum naming service.

To prepare a vault the React app makes an http request to a Myel node (a type of hot storage node we’ve developed) which uses IPFS and IPLD to store the files associated with the NFT — such that the bundle of files gets a unique CID. When you’re ready you can mint this unique CID as an NFT.

Long-term storage of the NFT files is payed for by way of wrapped FIL — which is then unwrapped to pay a Filecoin storage miner via a Myel node.

When creating a share link for the vault, this link is authenticated for a specific ethereum address and anyone who has the key to that address can open the vault.

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