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NFT's from Italy

An NFT collection of photographs and videos of Venice, Italy and its beautiful church Basilica San Marco stored on IPFS, then Filecoin using Textile Hub.

NFT's from Italy

Created At

Web3 Weekend

Project Description

The project is an NFT collection of photographs and videos of the San Marco region of Venice, Italy. These places are so rich in history that an NFT collection representing their beauty would be worthwhile to be compiled and maintained. Using the technologies of Pinata Cloud, Remix and textile Hub, I was able to save the collection on the Filecoin network where I intend to grow and expand the collection.

How it's Made

I used Pinata Cloud to pin the files to IPFS which created a URI which was used in the next step with Remix. I used Remix with an Open Zeppelin NFT contract to deploy the NFT to the Rinkeby testnet. After deploying all of the contracts to Rinkeby, my next step was to push the entire collection of deployed contracts, associated artifacts such as the .csv file which contained name of the document, file name, CID, deployed address, ipfs link, Rinkeby contract symbol and the date created using Textile Hub to push the folder contents to IPFS, then on to long term storage on Filecoin.

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