Perpetuals Platform Pro

AMM-based Perpetuals Platform to Trade Commodities and Forex

Perpetuals Platform Pro

Created At

Web3 Weekend

Project Description

The Perpetuals Platform Pro is an on-chain AMM-based futures platform that allows you to trade commodities and forex, utilizing chainlink price oracles and IPFS for storage.

Inspired by the Perpetual Protocol, we also use a peer-to-pool system design. There are 5 main components of the protocol:

  1. Vault: When a trader opens a position on the platform, the collateral is locked in the Vault. When a trader closes a position, the PnL will be unlocked from the Vault.
  2. Clearing Configurator: The Clearing Configurator provides high-level information (directional (long or short), margin, etc) to the vAMM for price discovery.
  3. vAMM: The vAMM is based on the constant product formula (x*y=k) and mints or burns virtual tokens in the x and y pools which will reflect a change in the price.
  4. Funding Rate: A funding rate is required to converge the Last Price to the Chainlink oracle price.
  5. Liquidations: Third-party keeper bots will liquidate positions once the position value drops below the margin ratio.

How it's Made

Inspired by the Perpetual Protocol, we also use a peer-to-pool system design. There are 5 main components of the protocol:

  1. Vault: When a trader opens a position on the platform, the collateral is locked in the Vault. When a trader closes a position, the PnL will be unlocked from the Vault.

  2. Clearing Configurator: The Clearing Configurator provides high-level information (directional (long or short), margin, etc) to the vAMM for price discovery.

  3. vAMM: The vAMM is based on the constant product formula (x*y=k) and mints or burns virtual tokens in the x and y pools which will reflect a change in the price.

  4. Funding Rate: A funding rate is required to converge the Last Price to the Chainlink oracle price.

  5. Liquidations: Third-party keeper bots will liquidate positions once the position value drops below the margin ratio.

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