The Open Journal

The Open Journal is a platform that respects and upholds your voice without the intervention of a central authority to withdraw your content.

The Open Journal

Created At

Web3 Weekend

Project Description

Voice, Expression, Liberty of thoughts which are essential to articulate ones opinions and ideas without the fear or retaliation or sensorship.

The Open Journal is a tiny step towards a Truthful media where opinions of the people are reflected and not altered due to any political or capitalist reasons.

How it's Made

The POC project is built on

The authentication is handled by Ceramic 3ID DID

Any user can create articles to share News or Articles or start a discussion.

Any post made by the user is stored on Ceramic using JSON storage.

There is a feed where users can Like / Dislike the content - The trending ones will make it to weekly / monthly magazine.

The journal is open for anyone to read and contribute.

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